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Anchor Red Flag
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The M-2000C Red Flag is a story-driven campaign that takes place during an extraordinary Red Flag exercise at the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). The campaign backstory revolves around growing hostilities between Iran and its neighbors and a partially successful coup that takes place in the United Arab Emirates, effectively splitting the country in two.

You will take on the role of a deputy commander of a 10-ship strong detachment of M-2000C interceptors from the 02.005 Fighter Squadron "Île-de-France". In preparation for war in the Persian Gulf, your detachment, and those from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland and the Netherlands, will spend two weeks at the NTTR to hone your skills.

All of the missions are based on extensive research of actual Red Flag exercises and will each include interesting facts and stories from previous runnings of the exercise.


  • 16 story-driven missions

  • Over 3,000 voiceovers performed by more than 40 voice actors

  • Returning characters from the M-2000C Caucasus campaign

  • Highly detailed mission briefings, maps, and other documents that includes Air Tasking Orders and Data Sheets based on actual counterparts use by the US and French Air Forces

  • Many of interesting background facts and stories from past Red Flag exercises

  • Preparation for upcoming DCS campaigns in the Persian Gulf

Trailer Text.png

Official trailer of the campaign

Hard rock version of the trailer (longer) featuring Belgeode


Campaign review on by Fridge

"Great addition to the Red Flag collection! Lots of voiceovers, good mission design, accuracy/realism where necessary and the designer (Baltic Dragon) is very helpful with issues. Can't wait to follow Lambert, Max & co to the Persian Gulf ;-)"

Loose Seal (Steam)

"If it's by Baltic Dragon it's amazing, and this is no exception. Extremely detailed, lots of fun voice acting. Great to see the AdA gang back from the main campaign.


"Finished the Campaign and enjoyed it thoroughly. Well worth the price of admission. Your creativity is absolutely brilliant. 
I am amazed at the level of thought, technical expertise, and hard work that went into this creation. In addition to being a campaign masterpiece, it's also a showcase for the extensive capabilities of the DCS mission editor and the games AI. I was awed by the Ai performance throughout the campaignes choreographed evolution's. The voice actors performance was outstanding as well!"

Klunker (ED Forums)

"I would like to say that this campaign was the best one i even played. The best impressions i found in voice covers. Really good job guys. Next thing was very well constructed random missions. I really enjoyed playing this campaign and for sure i will finish this one second time. Baltic Dragon -> Well done. Looking forward for next campaigns."

Macias 671603 (ED Forums)

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