Welcome to my website
If you came here, it means you are a Digital Combat Simulator player or want to get into the fantastic world of realistic flight sims. You will find information about my campaigns, latest development news as well as links to other projects I am involved with. You can use the contact portal to easily reach me via different platforms if you want to report a bug, provide feedback or simply chat. Don't be a stranger and feel free to reach out!

immersive campaigns
My aim is to deliver realistic, story driven campaigns for your favourite DCS aircraft. I am working with active duty and former USAF and US Navy pilots in order to bring you as close as possible to the real life experience, of course within the limits of a computer game.
"Great campaigns with fantastic levels immersion, solid performance and gradual learning curve. Loved them!"
Tim Rowley (from FB page)

There is always something happening in the DCS World, so if you want to stay current with my projects and work, check the news section or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.